Role Of Imagination In Gothic Novels

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Have you ever thought you have seen something that wasn’t there? This is all imagination. Edgar Allan Poe wrote “ The Fall of the House of Usher” in this gothic novel Poe uses imagination to play tricks on the reader’s mind. Another gothic novel that is equivalent to “The Fall of the House of Usher” is “ House Taken Over” by Julio Cortazar, in both gothic novels use imagination to set a spooky setting in the reader’s mind. Imagination is a huge part in both short stories. When fear is involved imagination plays a role. In both story’s, fear causes the characters to imagine things that may not even be real. An example of this are noises, shadows, and maybe even seeing people that really are not their. Both authors show that imagination can overcome reality when adrenaline is high or when ur very scared. In the short story “ House Taken Over” by Julio Cortazar a creature or creatures take over a elderly family’s house causing them to move. They start to lose sleep and start blocking off parts of their house “ I had to shut the door to the passage. They’ve taken over the back part” (Cortazar 8). This shows the brother and sister were very scared of the creatures on the other side. They start to lose sleep because their imagination wonders from what these …show more content…

Usher’s close friend came to visit him since he doesn’t have much longer to live. Many events happen with Usher’s imagination getting in the way of reality. One example is when he buried his sister alive when he thought she was dead “ I now tell you that I heard her first feeble movements in the hollow coffin” (Poe 50) this is the cause of his death causing a heart attack after his sister dug herself out of her grave. His imagination got in the way of reality because he buried his sister alive and heard noises. He thought he was just hearing noises and it was his imagination but it was

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