Research Paper On Amy Winehouse

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Abstract This paper is an in depth psychoanalysis of Amy Winehouse and her addiction that lead her down to her tragic death. This means we will analyze her childhood and figure out what might have triggered her drug addiction and her unhealthy relationship. This paper will cover aspects of her childhood, teen years, and early adulthood. This will help with the process of analyzing why Amy turned to drug use and found comfort in her unhealthy relationship with old husband Blake Fielder. In the first section of this paper, it covers the key details about the life of Winehouse. This is because these key details of her trauma she faced as a child reflect on the adult she became. Her childhood incidents are the root of her drug addiction and her …show more content…

She started drinking so much that at times she was to drunk to finish a whole song or even making it on stage. In 2005 she met Blake Fielder who is responsible for introducing her to more serious drugs. The two began to date and were in a not so healthy relationship. Often times in the public eye the two would have serious arguments that sometimes could turn into fist-fights. After the two have been together for a bit she focused mainly on drugs and alcohol but also on self conflicted harm. In the year 2006 her publishing company proposed to her that she should think about going into rehab. Winehouse was not appreciative of their concern and instead dropped her publisher. She wrote a new album called “back to black” which included a song called “rehab” which focused on her refusal to accept treatment. Lucky for her the album got so much attention and it was such a big hit that she won an award for best female solo artist in 2007. Later making it to the united states and the song “Rehab” making the top 10 lists for best …show more content…

Not talking about the drug addiction side to her but her musical side. Being a women Amy accomplished so much in her short life, accepting so many awards and breaking so many records, both in the Untied Kingdom and in the Untied States. Reading more into Amy’s life I’ve learned so much more about her that I didn’t know. Before I knew nothing about her early years and some of the struggles she faced, which were similar to mine. I’m the youngest of three and my parents got divorced when I was 6 years old. Although I don’t remember much I do remember how hard it was for me and my sisters to get past it. Me and one of my sisters got held back in school the year my parents got divorced. Drug addiction is the hardest thing to get through and its no easy tasks. I can relate to Amy in some ways because I know what addiction looks like. Growing up in my older teen years, my father had a drug problem and that’s all he cared about. Drugs make people mean, selfish and careless people. By Amy doing drugs it wasn’t her running her life it was the drugs taking over for her. My father was a complete different person on drugs. He would say disrespectful and hurtful things to me and my sisters, but now that he’s sobered up he’s a much better person. When one is on drugs they are only worried about themselves, which explains why Amy didn’t listen to other people when they thought she should go to rehab. When

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