Reflective Essay About Leadership

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As a young principal, I wish someone had sat me down, unscrewed the top of my hard head, and poured some common sense into my empty skull. I would have been a better leader if they had. However, I had to learn about leading through trial and error with, unfortunately, more error than I would like to admit. I now realize what many of my colleagues and staff could have told me years ago if I had been inclined to listen – I blew it as often as I got it right. Looking back at those early years, I am thankful to those who mentored me and supported me even when I could have done it better. They helped me realize that leadership is not something you just do; leadership is a journey, and learning from your mistakes is as much a part of leadership as getting it right – maybe even more so. I learned the hard way that leading people is basically the same whether you are motivating a …show more content…

What works for one may not necessarily work for another. Great leaders do not always follow the same rules or leadership script. They often seem to have a knack for bending or breaking the rules, they march to a different drummer, or they are cut from a different mold from the rest. They are usually self-made leaders rather than the mythical born leader. They are unique individuals not afraid to stand alone when necessary, and they are not afraid to challenge and even cross over established boundaries when needed. If there is a secret to leadership, it lies in the ability of people in leadership roles to do whatever it takes to make positive things happen around them. Leaders make things happen. They do not compromise success by taking a wait and see approach; they are proactive. This is the secret to their success – nothing more – nothing less. Great leaders lead with sweat, passion, and

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