Reconstruction Dbq Essay

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From the beginning of the Civil War all the way up to the end of Reconstruction, the United States endured a similar type of revolution than it had dealt with in the previous years. In this time, many social and constitutional advancements brought about great change and discord in the country. However, some of these constitutional developments ended up causing conflict such as the civil rights bills and Emancipation Proclamation, in addition to the social developments such as the Black Codes, Ku Klux Klan, and the Freedman’s Bureau. All together, these important events helped put the country into a revolution. The United States was divided into two divergent sides fighting for control even before 1860. These conflicts never ended up reaching the battlefield, but the free states and slave states were in a battle for representation in Congress. Both sides wanted to control the balance of states in order to gain more authority in Congress. The Missouri Compromise and Compromise of 1850 were attempts to prevent the growing conflict but only delayed the inevitable. When Abraham Lincoln was elected president, South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union and other southern states soon followed. By the time that Lincoln was inaugurated in 1860, seven states parted from the Union and were eventually joined by four more. The South seceded because they assumed that they had the constitutional right to do so. South Carolina seceded because they believed the North would gain enough power in the central government to abolish slavery entirely in the United States. Secession was their last choice in order to maintain their power and lifestyle. The Civil War led to the Emancipation Proclamation and abolishment of slavery, but this ... ... middle of paper ... ...he power to infringe upon the South’s state issues. The overwhelming power of the central government can be directly related to the reason for the secession of the South from the Union as well as the Thirteen Colonies separating from Britain in the American Revolution (Doc. H). Despite all the efforts to help the freedmen in the United States, even after Reconstruction, freedmen ended up being inferior to white men in the South. This period was definitely a time of revolution in the United States. Racism and hostility directed at freedmen from Southern whites lived on in the United States for decades onward. Laws such as the Civil Rights Act of 1866 marginally helped and discriminated continued to exist. The racism that brewed in the South made this period certainly revolutionary which in part transformed the course of our history and kept slavery’s legacy alive.

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