Psychoanalysis and Reclaiming the Self

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Deep in the minds of human beings lies a vast ocean of emotions and experiences. The human mind is often misconstrued and simplified by those who possess one, but delving deeper into the mind and it’s processes you see a whole other world that is veiled beneath the surface. One of the most famous examples of the human mind is the image of an iceberg, what is on the surface is so minimal compared to the immense body that lies underneath. Sigmund Freud was the father of psychoanalysis and believed in the idea of the unconscious and subconscious that help power who we are. Through psychoanalysis Freud began to reclaim the self as an individual and stressed the importance of the external world and it’s direct role with the internal realm of an individual. Although it was originally found to be a sort of therapy for those with mental illnesses, it has an interesting and analytical and philosophical view of the self, and through this spawned new beliefs in philosophy. Through the establishment of the id, superego, and ego, and the past’s affect on the shaping the present state of the self, psychoanalysis reclaims the self for an individual and is successful in doing so. Important concepts in psychoanalysis are the id, superego, and ego. The id is an entirely unconscious and instinctual layer of an individual and operates on what is known as the “pleasure principle”, meaning it is constantly seeking immediate satisfaction. The ego is the component of the self that deals with reality and operates on the reality principle, which tries to satisfy the id’s needs in a much more socially and morally acceptable way. The superego is the last part to develop and this is what individuals learn from their surroundings, like society and the people ... ... middle of paper ... ...oducing the idea of unconscious layers to an individual you show that there is more to a self than meets the eye. The incorporation of time and an ever-changing human shined light on how we are not only affected physically by time, but our self is also impacted. The past’s influence on the present is an important aspect in keeping the individual unique. No two people can be exactly the same in psychoanalysis and this in itself supports the idea of reclaiming the self. I believe that much of my philosophy of the self is tied to psychoanalysis, even though I may not agree with everything Freud has to say, I think that there is more than just the surface of the human mind. By beginning to understand psychoanalysis more you are able to see the idea of a self in a new light and can conclude that there is so much more to being an individual than just biology and science.

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