Plastic Surgery: The Future Of Cosmetic Surgery

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An incision was made: this was the cut that could forever change a life; with this laceration, cosmetic surgery was born. A British Sailor, Walter Yeo, suffered severe facial deformations while serving in World War I. Skin grafts were harvested from undamaged areas of Yeo’s body, and were later used to treat Yeo’s loss of his upper and lower eyelids. In 1917, Yeo was treated by Sir Harold Gillies, the well-known father of plastic surgery (Murano). Yeo was the beginning of it all. Later, in 1962, Timmie Jean Lindsey became the first person in history to receive silicone breast implants. She paved the way for discoveries and new techniques with breast enhancement that now affect the lives of a lot of people (Kalfus). However, there are people who oppose the idea of cosmetic surgery. Lately, several “body positive” campaigns and makeup artists have risen to challenge the ever-growing cosmetic surgery demand. Even with the challenges, cosmetic procedures are still a widely used and practiced resource. So, while many people continue to use plastic surgery, with the turn of the century, the demand has grown despite challenges from the new body …show more content…

In conclusion, the benefits of cosmetic surgery differ between people and situations; any negative thoughts of others may have an effect on a person’s decision to have a procedure done, but it is for the patient to decide if changing their body is the right decision for them. Regardless of the influences on the younger generation, unrealistic ideologies of patients, and moral issues others may have, plastic surgery will continue to be a huge part of society. However, society should be focusing on how to encourage others to seek happiness in whatever they seem fit, rather than choose to destroy the aspirations of others who choose to build a perfect body for

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