Plant Defence In Plants

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Plant defences are those mechanisms employed by plants in response to herbivory and parasitism. According to Hanley et al. (2007), “the tissues of virtually all terrestrial, freshwater, and marine plants have qualities that to some degree reduce herbivory, including low nitrogen concentration, low moisture content, toxins or digestibility-reducing compounds”. The type of chemical defence may be species specific (Scott 2008). The defences that plants possess may be in the form of chemical production or in the form of physical defences such as thorns or spikes and even through reinforced, rigid leaves. “The compounds that are produced in response to herbivory can either have a direct effect on the attacker itself (e.g. toxins or digestibility reducers), or serve as indirect defenses by attracting the natural enemies of the herbivores” (Bezemer & van Dam 2005). This essay will focus on chemical plant defences and in particular the effects of terpenes, phenolics, nitrogen-based defences as well as allelopathy in plants. The first group of chemical compounds to be discussed are terpenes. Terpenes are a very comprehensive group of metabolites which are known to contain essential oils that produces well-known scents in herbs belonging to the Lamiaceae plant family (Scott 2008). These scented compounds are usually found in the trichomes of basil, rosemary, lavender, etc. (Scott 2008). Electron micrograph images of these trichomes can be seen below. According to Keeling & Boltmann (2006), there are about 30 000 known types of terpenes which originated from structures created from terpene synthases. These terpene synthases can be broken up into three groups, monoterpene synthases, sesquiterpene synthases, and diterpene synthases (Keeling &... ... middle of paper ... ...n-toxic, but becomes toxic once it reacts with air or soil compounds to become the allelopathic hydrojuglone (Appleton et al. 2009). Once this compound reaches the soil, it can affect neighbouring plants by “root contact, leakage or decay in the soil, falling and decaying leaves, or when rain leaches and drips juglone from leaves and branches onto plants below” (Appleton et al. 2009). This process is illustrated below. This essay has therefore discussed the most popular classes of plant chemical defences, namely terpenes, phenolics, nitrogen-based defences and allelopathy. The effects of these defences on herbivores has also been touched on. Many of these compounds produced by plants have later been extracted by humans for use as insecticides. Compounds such as tannins are also used in the wine industry. These chemicals thus have a very strong economic influence.

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