Phonological Loop Model Of Memory

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What processes are involved in the attending and understanding of information received on a daily basis? Cognition refers to the process required for acquiring and comprehending of knowledge, this involves the use of high-functioning parts of the brain such as memory, perception, recall and attention. As speculated by cognitive psychologists, scientists and approaches, the process of cognition is defined by an interface between our internal learning processes and sensory processes, which can be also referred to as top-down and bottoms up processing. . These processes occur consciously and unconsciously and help us as individuals to function. Memory plays a big role in cognition and is described as our ability to learn new experiences as well as recall and retain past occurrences (Webster 1992), it is required for everyday learning, thinking and recalling of information in the mind, as without memory we would be learning things anew every day, even though we carry out the same routines daily. Therefore, our experiences turn into memories and are stored in our minds, but how does this process work? Over the years, memory have been researched and debated, however there are two theories that have explained extensively and are highly recognised by psychologist in the cognitive field of psychology and scientist alike, on how we process experiences and turn them into memories. These theories include the Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) Multi-store Model of Memory and Baddeley and Hitch (1974) Phonological Loop Model of Memory. This essay aims to compare, contrast and evaluate these models of memory, with supporting evidence and empirical research. ATKINSON&SHIFFRIN (1968) – MULTI-STORE MODEL OF MEMORY The Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968)... ... middle of paper ... ...Baddeley (1966) study of encoding in the short term memory and long term memory supports the MSM model on the mode of processing such that words are processed on recall and both models share the same opinion that processing does influence recall. Finally, the MSM model of memory states that all information is stored in the long term memory, however, this interpretation contrasts with that of Baddeley (1974) who argue that we store different types of memories and it is unlikely that they occur only in the LTM store. Additionally, other theories have recognised different types of memories that we experience, therefore it is debatable that all these different memories occur only in the long-term memory as presumed by the multi-store model which states the long term memory store as with unlimited capacity, in addition it also fails to explain how we recall information.

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