Personal Statement to Receive Masters in Industrial Engineering

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There is an appropriate time for everything, sometimes one has to create it or has to wait for it. I am an apostle of this dictum and it is my appetite for amelioration which has led me to the decision of pursuing masters, following the completion of under graduation. My urge to pursue masters kindled in the junior year of my college when I had hit upon the word Industrial Engineering and every day since then my staunch desire for this field has increased exponentially. Completing high school education from an illustrious junior college, my academic accomplishments at school earned me admission in Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai. Ranked 3rd in the southern region of India by Outlook and The Week, and is affiliated to prestigious Anna University. I am pursuing my bachelors in Production Engineering. I have a commodious curriculum which enunciates on latest manufacturing techniques, production management until my junior year. In my senior year, I have electives like Operation's research, Ergonomics. This opened the gates to the field of Industrial engineering and that moment, I realized that manufacturing alone is not the crux of an Industry but there are many other segments, which have to be given equal importance for the amelioration of the Industry, which made me decide to augment my knowledge to these areas rather than merely focusing on manufacturing. I frequently wonder about the uniqueness of both, Engineering and Management yet their mutual importance to each other. Every time I thought on this subject, a question used to crop up and puzzle me. Is there a single course which is an amalgamation of both these areas? When I made a meticulous quest of such a course, I came in acquaintance with the major, Industrial Engin... ... middle of paper ... ... myself to be an innovative and novel contributor to this field after a few years completing my masters followed by doctorial. After an arduous quest for the Universities to fulfill my dream I ended with only handful of universities, of which your Texas A&M university was commingle of excellent ranking, ad hoc of expert faculty, multifaceted students from different culture which will augment my intellect. It would be a boon to contribute and work with Prof. Wilbert E. Wilhelm, Prof. Sila Çetinkaya, Prof. Guy L. Curry and Associate Prof. Amarnath Banerjee in top-notch research facilities of Virtual Reality Lab, Logistic and Networked Systems Lab. In conclusion, I thank the graduate admission committee for spending the precious time scanning through this genuine and candid self portrait and I sincerely hope that my application would be considered favorably.

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