Personal Narrative Essay: Paw

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“That’ll do this batch, Paw.” Announced Earl as he tightened the lid on the last jug of shine for the night’s run. As he added it to the others in the back of his beat up Ford pickup, he glanced over at his sleeping dad haphazardly leaned up against an oak tree, his chest rumbling with a drunken snore. All too often, this was the way their nights played out; Earl would work the stills while Paw would drink until he passed out, leaving him to finish up for the night, but he never complained to his father; he understood what led to his Paw’s nightly search for the bottom of that mason jar. As he climbed into the back of the truck to make sure the delivery was covered and tied down, safe and secure, Earl considered how important this particular run was, the moneys raised that night would be used to pay the land taxes, thus protecting both their homes and their main income, these stills for the next year. After hopping into the cab and firing up the engine, Earl skillfully drove through the woods in the dead of night without so much as a path to follow. Even though his truck’s suspension would appreciate a cleared roadway, the couldn’t risk the revenuers following …show more content…

However, Jason’s dad was stopped at a police road block late one night with an illegal load of moonshine and landed himself in jail for five years; those Virginia revenuers didn’t play around when it came to busting up illegal distilleries or incarcerating those who distributed the shine. Unfortunately, he never saw his best friend again since Jason and his mom had to move back to Pennington Gap to live with her

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