Peer Pressure In The Book Speak

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“Just do it, it’ll be fine.” or things like “Nobody will know, trust me” or even “If you don't do it we can’t be friends anymore.” These are all examples of peer pressure, a problem the whole world faces. Peer pressure is a big problem, and also is in the book Speak too. Peer pressure is the act of peers trying to make you do something, whether it be good or bad. Peer pressure can vary from friends wanting one to help them in doing good deed, or wanting one to do something bad like steal or disobey one’s parents or elders. Peer pressure in the book had put the main character Melinda Sordino through a lot, not knowing where she belonged and who was really there for her throughout the story. Peer pressure in schools and in everyday life of …show more content…

Her friends always asked her for help doing some things, good and bad, but she did her best to stay away from that kind of things. Like on page 106 in the novel when her friend Heather says “When you get through a life sucks phase, I’m sure lots of people will want to be your friend. But you just can’t cut classes or not show up to school. What’s next-- hanging out with the dopers?” and Melinda replies “Is this the part where you try to be nice to me?” and Heather replies “You just have a reputation.” This shows how negative peer pressure affects people, like how Heather thinks that she will end up hanging out with druggies, because she has already been pressured into skipping school and class. Andy Evans, the guy who raped her, always put himself around her, almost as peer pressure to not tell anyone, because he knew he could overpower her and that he was intimidating to her. Although Melinda had gone through a lot in her first year of high school, peer pressure had affected her, and she tried to seem invisible to everyone, until she finally figured out where she belonged and who she was, then exposing Andy Evans which allowed everyone …show more content…

One should remember that not all peer pressure is bad, although that is mostly what you see today. Good peer pressure needs to be done more, because why would you want to make someone do something bad, instead of helping them do something good and impacting them, because honestly who would want a worse world rather than a better one? Truly the way to improve our lives as human beings lies on peer pressure, it is at the core of ways we can make a change for a better, and not more for the

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