Necessary And Proper Clause Essay

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The Necessary and Proper Clause is widely debated. From 1787 to 2010, this clause has had many Supreme Court cases. One important, and one of the first, case about the Necessary and Proper Clause is McCulloch v. Maryland. Several important things happened in this case. But, the real question is, "To what extent does the Necessary and Proper Clause grant a new power to Congress?" The answer to this complex question varies depending on who answers it. I believe the Necessary and Proper Clause grants power to a Congress to the extent where it affects any state's economic. Another important question about the Necessary and Proper Clause is, "What does “Proper” mean?" This answer also varies on the person, usually their political view(s). In this essay I will thoroughly answer these two important questions about the Necessary and Proper Clause. …show more content…

I believe that if Congress's decisions affects any state way that makes the state's economy worse, then it should not be permitted. In McCulloch v. Maryland, the National Bank taxed $15,00 per year, which is about $337,000 today. Maryland still had a thriving economy then, and $15,00 per year could have affected their economy, not in a good way. I also believe that if Congress is trying to put something in place, that does particularly need to be, then it is not Necessary and Proper. Another example in the McCulloch v. Maryland case is the controversy itself! The national bank Congress was trying to put in place. This Second Bank of the United States was not necessary, it would most likely not help the U.S.. Briefly, I believe if what Congress is trying to put in place under the Necessary and Proper Clause, then it should not worsen the economy and must be helpful to the posterity of the United

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