Myth Vs Bible

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Myth as Creation from a Bible or a Big Bang Theory From a childhood we always hear from our parents or grandparents mystical stories, myth, which explains how something was created and what was the meaning of it. As described by Cunningham and Kelsey, “Myth indicates a narrative concerning sacred reality and its relationship to humanity” (59). Myth is story which includes no truth, in other words it is just a fiction story. It is a narrative which gives clues of how world was created, how human being was created without any backup information to support the truth of the story. Myth includes religion stories which is difficult to explain and hard to neglect, because humans believe of existence of God, life after death and hell and heaven. …show more content…

There are three funcions of religious stories considered as a myth and Bible is example to all of them. As explained by Cunningham and Kelsay, “First function was a disclosure that passes the information, insights lessons, and instruction” (63). For example, “Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness” (Genesis 1:26-27), which explains how humans were created. It is information that were transformed from generation to generation in order for people to know of how their existence appeared on Earth. No one can prove if this information is true or not, people just used to except it as a real life event, because it is stated in Bible. Every other human in a world is religious person and they responsible in carrying their religious believes with them even when it contradicts what scientist believe or …show more content…

“Such stories may recount events that could be called “ordinary”, but for the believing community they mediate sacred reality” (Cunningham, Kelsay 63). One of the examples is the existence of Adam and Eve which is explained in the Bible. For example, “ ...then he took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a women and brought her to the man” (Genesis 2,3:21-23). It is revelation of how women were created based on the Bible, she was created to keep a company for Adam. All of this information brings no scientific explanations to our human minds which makes them to be

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