My Nursing Journey: Continuing Professional Development

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Nursing has been viewed as both a science and an art (Price et al., 2007, p. 155). A logical progression of ideas and theories as well as evidence-based research supports the varied interventions and rationales that the nurse must effectively use to provide safe care (McCrae, 2011). Human touch, compassion, creativity and moral values characterise the artistic nature of the nursing profession, which can promote personal satisfaction and growth (Finfgeld-Connett, 2008, p. 383). However, similar to any other line of work, nursing is not without its dangers as seen by examples of errors and negligence (Tingle & McHale, 2009; Young, 2009). Hence, the National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse were formulated by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC) as the core competency standards used to assess and evaluate the performance of a registered nurse in Australia (Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2006). Moreover, these standards provide the public with information on the expected actions and behaviour of a nurse, emphasising the latter’s accountability and responsibility. Integrated into the nursing curricula, these standards orient and guide the student nurse on the many aspects of nursing practice focussing on quality health care and professional development amidst changing times (ANMC, 2006). These competency standards have had a large impact on my nursing studies particularly in this unit, NURS5084. One major component is the domain of professional practice. According to Muller (2010, p. 232), “a profession is made up of people who are members of an occupational group who share a common body of knowledge and set of skills that have been gained through a formal course, which has resulted in a qualif... ... middle of paper ... ...f Advanced Nursing. Muller, S. (2010). The profession of nursing. In S. Hart (Ed.), Nursing: Study & Placement Learning Skills. New York: Oxford University Press, Inc. Price, S., Arbuthnot, E., Benoit, R., Landry, D., Landry, M., & Butler, L. (2007). The Art of Nursing: Communication and Self-Expression. Nursing Science Quarterly, 20(2), 155-160. doi: 10.1177/0894318407299577 Stephen J, O. C. (2007). Developing professional habitus: A Bernsteinian analysis of the modern nurse apprenticeship. Nurse Education Today, 27(7), 748-754. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2006.10.008 Tingle, J., & McHale, J. (2009). Specialist healthcare law for nurses: an introduction. British journal of nursing (Mark Allen Publishing), 18(1), 38-39. Young, A. (2009). Review: The legal duty of care for nurses and other health professionals: REVIEW. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18(22), 3071-3078.

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