My Leadership Style Essay

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There are a few different types of well known leadership styles, authoritarian, delegative, and democratic. To assess my leadership style I used two online tests to help me determine my style. I felt the results were accurate and I fall into a democratic style/participative style. If I am leading I prefer to include the group and get their feedback on solving issues. However, I still make the final decision after listening to the thoughts of the group on a particular topic. This is considered to be a positive style of leadership that is inspiring to the group involved. The leaders decision making tends to be more accurate due to the input of other experts. (Cite) Traits, Motivations, Values and Vision According to the Ivey Business Journal …show more content…

I fall into a unique, more introverted and innovative personality type. Generally speaking, leaders are often expected to be extroverts. That seems to be the societal ideal. However, there were some well known introverts such Einstein, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela that obviously were successful leaders and innovators with a mission that suited them. I am motivated to lead if the mission has integrity and is an area of interest to me. Those factors feed my extroverted side. I like to improve systems and processes; one can put specialized projects and problems in front of me or ask me to create a growth opportunity and I will run with it. Our textbook The Art of Leadership by George Manning/Kent Curtis describes the most important traits of leadership as the need for achievement, possessing intelligence, self confidence, initiative, supervisory ability, and decisiveness (Manning). I am an intelligent problem solver and I can see many paths for growth. With right mission I can be very self- confident, I show initiative and supervisory ability. I can sometimes be slow on decisiveness so I try to identify …show more content…

In addition, I place high worth on integrity, innovation and inclusiveness of individual within the group. I have no interest in participating activities that will harm others. My personal background as an advocate for a disabled individual and my work experiences have influenced my leadership views. I have worked for healthcare institutions that were engaged in taking shortcuts that were harmful to the outcomes of patients. Given the opportunity to improve leaders preferred the initial appearance of efficiency over patient safety. Some players were more concerned with groupthink and the mortgages they had to pay than patient outcomes. I am future oriented and I think in the end I have God to pay. Even though I really enjoy healthcare I withdrew from it rather than be a cog in that wheel. Earlier in my life, I was taught that leadership starts from the ground up and we all have opportunities to be leaders. My expectations of healthcare originated in the military. Military hospitals are not always known for being perfect. However, the standards in my field were exacting and uncompromising. You could expect to be inspected in the same way a drill sergeant might inspect the barracks and it was with good reason. Patients can face some difficult outcomes but they should not end up worse off due to the negligence of healthcare workers. I expected the same standards and ethics in the civilian hospitals. I

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