My Last Duchess Trust Quotes

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How does trust play a factor in the success or failure of a relationship? Trust is one of those things that EVERYONE shouldn’t be afraid to have towards others. If you can’t rely on your spouse then ninety percent of the time, it won’t work out. For example, Lady Macbeth doesn’t trust her husband with any plan. She says that he is too weak to even commit the murder of King Duncan. If you think about scene one, she says he fears of doing anything required to be king. In “My Last Duchess”, the husband did not have faith in his wife because she would look at other men and she wouldn’t even try to hide it. She would do it in front of his face without any concern. It is just very unhealthy for a relationship to not have trust in one another. If you think about the scene when Macbeth makes a plan to get Banquo murdered, it is clear that he doesn’t trust him. He believes that Banquo will snitch on him or he knows what he’s done. …show more content…

Respect is needed for anything to go well. You can’t have respect for others until you have respect for yourself. The wife in “My Last Duchess” didn’t even have respect for Duke’s family name that has been with him for nine hundred years. It is different in Pride and Prejudice. Elizabeth Bennett deals with her self respect with comedy. Any insults told to her, she deals with them with her sense of humor. If you think about Lady Macbeth, she definitely had respect for her father. “Confounds us. Hark! I laid their daggers ready; He could not miss ‘em. Had he not resembled(15) My father as he slept, I had done't.” is one of the quotes from the actual passage saying that she couldn’t kill Duncan because he looked exactly like her father sleeping. That tells you that she had total respect for him if she couldn’t even go through with her own plan. In Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Bennett makes fun of his wife but Mrs. Bennett only nags about everything. Relationships are always based on respect no matter what it

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