My Experience Studying Abroad

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Imagine walking onto a plane and travelling 3,000 miles across the ocean to spend the first semester of your college career in a completely different place than you’ve lived your entire life. Well, that was something that I personally experienced about two years ago. I got accepted to Arcadia University, and into their “FYSAE” (First Year Study Abroad Experience) Program. It was probably the most exciting, yet nerve-wracking thing that I had ever done in my life. I got on a plane and went to the UK for a full four months as a new freshman in college. When I was leaving my home, family, friends, and job I was anxious and sad to be leaving, but once I arrived in the UK I could not contain my excitement. I studied at Stirling University in Stirling, Scotland. The semester that I studied abroad was probably the best time of my life. In those four short months, I experienced a different culture, ate new foods, made lifelong friends, travelled to other places, learned to understand an accent that sounds like a whole other language, and learned to be independent. I accomplished all this while learning and taking a full course load (and getting good grades) at the university. The beginning of one’s college career is always stressful and exciting whether it is a person that decides to go to college in a different state or commute from home-it is a change to one’s whole life that must be adapted to. The transition from high school to college is easier for some people than it is for others, depending on where one decides to go to school. Studying abroad is another brief transition from one’s home to a college in another part of the world. There are many different times that a student can study abroad; it can be in the student’s firs... ... middle of paper ... ... Reference Ser. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. Hadis, Benjamin. "Why Are They Better Students when They Come Back? Determinants of Academic Focusing Gains in the Study Abroad Experience." Frontiers Journal. Dickinson 11 (2005): 57-70. Print. Houser, Chris, et al. "Study Abroad Field Trip Improves Test Performance Through Engagement And New Social Networks." Journal Of Geography In Higher Education 35.4 (2011): 513-528. Academic Search Premier. Web. 21 Apr. 2014. Martinez, Luis. "The Study Abroad Advantage." Diverse: Issues In Higher Education 28.21 (2011): 25. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. Mastroianni, Adam J., and Deborah L. Kelly. "Undergraduate Study Abroad Experiences: Changing Attitudes Towards Cultural Diversity And Careers." Insights To A Changing World Journal 2013.4 (2013): 1-11. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.

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