Mike And Angel

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Issue 1 - Ethics and Legal Environment In the case of Mike and Angel, Mike is facing a moral problem in deciding if he should remove Angel as chairman of the board, due to Angel’s scandalous past, in order to appease discontented shareholders of the gun manufacturing company. Mike has the option to either ignore the detractors or take action to remove Angel from the board. When assessing the options, Mike should utilize Joseph Badaracco, Jr.’s (2002) ethical analysis framework to determine the best ethically and morally responsible course of action. After applying Badaracco’s framework, my recommendation is for Mike to renounce any further action against Angel and provide a final statement to shareholders and the community, whereby Mike will …show more content…

To compete in the global high-tech market, Mannerly envisages changing to a matrix organization structure, wherein managerial control will be shared by both product and functional managers (Jones, 2013, p. 426). In utilizing the matrix structure, the boundaries leading to subunit orientation are diminished, due to nominal differentiation, which allows for product teams to be agile in responding to customer demands (Jones, 2013, p. 427). Likewise, the matrix structure offers the opportunity for open communication, learning and development of all employees, which fosters innovation (Jones, 2013, p. 427). Additionally, the fluid structure of the matrix organization provides the ability to move employees with specialized skills and knowledge between product teams as needed (Jones, 2013, p. 427). Furthermore, the shared functional and product focus allows the product teams to invent quality products while the functional oversight keeps costs constrained (Jones, 2103, p. 427). However, the lack of a vertical bureaucratic structure can lead to role conflict and role ambiguity (Jones, 2013, p. 394 & 427). Similarly, financial resources are strained due to competition between the functions and product teams leading to infighting (Jones, 2013, p. 428). Moreover, the flexibility afforded in a matrix structure eventually results in stovepiping, as informal leaders build core competencies and resist knowledge transfer (Jones, 2013, p. 428). Also, the flexible structure becomes constricted and morphs to a mechanistic structure in order for management to gain greater oversight, as goal achievement diminishes (Jones, 2013, p. 428). The industry in which IBC operates requires continually creating new product. Therefore, Mannerly’s strategy in organizational change will allow IBC to use its core competency in innovation of high-tech products to gain a competitive advantage in the global market

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