Macro Level Theories In Sociology

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Sociology is the study of society and the interactions that occur within society itself. There are numerous methods of analyzing societies and the way the function, nonetheless, most methods fall in micro and macro level theories. Micro level theories allow sociologist to study smaller relationships such as individual or compact groups of people. On the other hand, macro level studies permit for larger scale investigations to take place. With both of these theories there are three theoretical perspectives used in sociology. Micro level theories include symbolic interactionism which focuses in interactions done with language and gestures and the means which allow such interactions to take place. Macro level theories include structural functionalism …show more content…

Jasmine primary group consist of The Sultan, Aladdin, and her pet companions. 11. Master status: a. The main characteristic of a person. b. Jasmine master Status is princess of Agrabah. 12. Nonviolent crimes: a. Crimes that do not use force or threaten to use force. b. Aladdin steals bread without using any type of force. 13. Power elite: a. A small group of people that have high influence and power in society. b. The Sultan and Jafar are part of the power elite because they can make decisions that well affect all of Agrabah. 14. Exogamous marriages: a. Marriages consisting of individuals from different classes. b. Jasmine, part of the top class, marries Aladdin, who is part of the lower class of Agrabah. 15. Upward mobility: a. Upward movement of social class in society. b. Aladdin moves for lower lower class to upper upper class by marrying Jasmine. 16. Absolute poverty: a. An individual is not able to afford basic needs. b. In the movie, Aladdin is seen giving the bread he stole to two kids who are in absolute poverty. Both children did not have shoes and had rags for clothes. They were also

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