Macbeth Fair Quotes

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"Fair is foul, and foul is fair" (I.i.12) illustrates the ultimate view of appearance versus reality. William Shakespeare captures the suspense of foreshowing opening the beginning of the play. The quote interpreted is "foul", ideally bad, yet "fair" which is good. The witches foul and fair quote, simply state bad is good and good is bad, which is just like Macbeth’s character. Macbeth is both foul and fair throughout the play. Many explanations come from the quote, a world where nothing is what it seems. A world where you are never sure whether something is what it actually seems. Macbeth’s character is not who he seems, yet he is. What one thinks is good, it is actually foul, and what one believes to be foul is indeed good. Shakespeare uses characterization, soliloquy, and archetype to show the destruction of over-ambition in Macbeth's …show more content…

To endorse the characterization of Macbeth’s actions, Macbeth is introduced in the play as a courageous warrior. Macbeth’s actions on the battlefield honorably won him honor from king Duncan. Macbeth with his ambitions, and a brave character and desire of power showed his directions in the play after his defeat in battle. As shown here "For Brave Macbeth- Well he deserves that name- Disdaining fortune, with his brandished steel, which smoked with bloody execution, Like Valor's Minion craved out his, passage Till he faced the slave; Which ne-er shook hands, nor bade farewell to him, Till, he unseamed him from the nave to the Chops, and fixed his head upon our, battlements." (I. ii. 16-24) Macbeth is a progressive character. The plot continues in the play, yet his good qualities disappearing, while the evil ones become easily seen and developed. Going from good to worse, his own wife, Lady Macbeth, saw her own

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