Macbeth Archetype Essay

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In every story, there is a set of characters used to propel the plot forward. Often times, these characters are based off of age-old archetypes- the hero, the damsel in distress, the prophet. These archetypes have been used for centuries, and can be found in many pieces of classic Western literature. During the time period in which Macbeth was written, women were not well-represented in literature. However, as usual, Shakespeare broke the mold and created diverse and unique female characters, each one crucial to the storyline. Each female character represents a different archetype, and yet, each one seems to defy the archetype in one way or another. The temptress archetype is “Characterized by sensuous beauty, this woman is one to whom the protagonist is physically attracted and who ultimately brings about his downfall” (“Archetype”). Being Macbeth’s wife, Lady Macbeth …show more content…

These three witches serve as the prophets of the story. They tell Macbeth what the future will hold, and he shapes his actions to fit that prophecy. In a way, the weird sisters can be seen almost as narrators to the story. They deliver the future and pull the story along. They are completely neutral characters- they do not hurt Macbeth, per se, but they are not beneficial to his journey, either. In the beginning of the play, the weird sisters say “All hail, Macbeth! that shalt be king hereafter” (Macbeth). This is where the weird sisters deviate from the prophet archetype. Although this prophecy came true, it eventually lead to Macbeth’s downfall. Typically, prophets lead a character to victory or to a happy ending. Since Macbeth is a tragedy, this did not happen. Although the weird sisters prophesied that Macbeth would become king, the dark tone and somber nature of the play hinted that this would not lead him in a positive direction. For this reason, the weird sisters do not accurately and perfectly portray the prophet

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