Loyalty In Sophocles 'Antigone'

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Tom Franciskato Mrs. Cohen Honors English 10 Loyalty is in a persons life whether they know it or not. A person can be loyal to family, friends, country, or even just ideas and beliefs. The list of loyalties vary depending on what you value. In TheDailyStar article “Female UAE fighter pilot leads airstrikes on ISIS” and Antigone by Sophocles show prime examples of loyalty. The female pilot challenges the traditional role women have in her country and Antigone challenges the power of the state to interfere with the traditions of her family and culture. Right at the beginning of the play “Antigone” Sophocles demonstrates how loyalty differs from person to person. This is a quote from the play with Antigone and her sister Ismene talking to each other about what to do about their brother Polyneices death and what action they should take. “ I shall be hating you soon, and the dead will too, For your words are hateful. Leave me my foolish plan: I am not afraid of the danger; if it means death, It will not be the worst of deaths ––death without honor. ISMENE: Go then, if you feel that you must. You are unwise, But a loyal friend indeed to …show more content…

Mariam al-Mansouri of the UAE air force. He explains that she is the first female pilot to attack ISIS militants in Syria. He emphasizes her credibility by saying “She is a fully qualified, highly trained, combat-ready pilot and she led the mission.” The Ambassador is crediting her even though in their nation being a women in the military is not common. This shows his loyalty to her because in his country it is not common for women to do this kind of job. Ismene just wanted to agree with the state and the power of the king. The ambassador did not have to support the female fighter pilot and just claim that women are not meant to do that kind of thing. But he was loyal to her and the values they

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