Informative Essay: The Importance Of Vaccinating Children

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To Vaccinate Or Not Throughout the 21st century, the amount of medication consumed has inclined dramatically. One form of medication that is used by many is vaccination, which is very important to prevent illnesses and diseases such as measles, shingles, smallpox, etc. that anyone may encounter (“Importance of Vaccines”). Doctors and health specialists expect parents to bring their children vaccinated for the benefit of their healthiness especially young children. However, there are some who choose not to get vaccinated because they believe vaccinations have risks and disadvantages. They believe that the risks of getting vaccinated are a far greater risk than getting the probability of getting diseases. No matter what may the disadvantages …show more content…

For parents, the responsibility of taking care of a child is their number one priority. They tend to build up a list of what their child needs to stay safe and healthy. Even the smallest way of a taking care of a child is important like putting them in a car seat is one of the ways to keep children protected. There is another important way that parents should not forget to do – vaccinating their children. Parents should not miss all of their children’s vaccinations. Children can be protected against severe diseases, such as polio, which was “America’s most-feared disease, causing death and paralysis across the country” (“Five Important Reasons to Vaccinate Your Child”). Today, there hasn’t been any news about Polio for the longest time because of vaccinations. However, there are people who don’t have an option to not get vaccinated because they aren’t allowed due to their protection such as pregnant women and newborns. In order to avoid contagious diseases, people who are allowed to do so should get themselves vaccinated for the benefit of those who can’t get vaccinated and have a higher risk of getting severe diseases. For example, “Newborns who are too young to get vaccinated for whooping cough are also most at risk of severe illness from the disease” (“10 Reasons To Get Vaccinated”). Newborn infants have a high risk of getting serious diseases, which should encourage more people to get …show more content…

Schools, offices, and any workforce should require students and employees before entering to protect those who surround them from getting sick. Students, in fact, before they enroll to school, they are required to get their yearly flu and other required vaccinations. Hence, this should continue so none of the students and staff would get infected. Despite that many people still do not believe in vaccinations, there is more proof shown that vaccinations had been a great help to many. It decreases the number of people getting sick and getting infected with serious diseases. Furthermore, it lessens the pain of a person who is ill because he or she is protected due to the vaccinations that was given to him or her. However, people should not take for granted of getting vaccinated, especially for the parents. Immunizations will protect their children and themselves from getting sick. Vaccinations are surely safe and they, indeed, prevent illnesses such as measles, chickenpox, shingles, polio, etc. that anyone may encounter. Hopefully, more vaccinations would develop and continue to be given for different types of diseases that may develop in the future. People need to keep in mind that the more people will vaccinate, the more healthier and safer the surroundings will become. All the more people will be encouraged and they will believe that

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