Inevitability Of Philosophy

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Gadamer’s On the Natural Inclination of Human Beings Toward Philosophy follows an idea that a desire for knowledge, in researching philosophy and sciences, can be related to Plato's thaumazein, the idea of wonder. The specifically human function of thinking starts, not routinely or in merriment, but at "…a point where something strikes us as alien because it runs counter to habitual expectation." (Gadamer 143) The fascination and wonderment towards ideas Gadamer claims, "…comes to me above all in the face of the alien and the strange." (145). He is emphasizing that it is philosophy specifically, in the practice of thinking and understanding is susceptible by technology and contemporary society. "Self-knowledge alone is capable of saving a freedom threatened not only by all rulers but much more by the domination and dependence that issue from everything we control" (150). The evaluation of the importance and the inevitability of philosophy Gadamer explains in his analysis are correct and become more prevalent as society becomes more intertwined with technology and instant gratificatio...

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