Importance Of Philanthropy Essay

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Philanthropy is powerful because everyone can be affected by the love for mankind, this can change the world for better. Philanthropy is not the practice of self importance and putting yourself above others. Philanthropy and its power of changing the world is about donating to charity your time, belongings, or even sharing kind words or advice in an effort to better others. It is about giving to others less fortunate, and caring about other humans. Whether you know them or not, helping others and caring for the welfare of those less fortunate can change the world. One person can change the life of someone else's by one simple act of charity or kindness. Bill Gates is a wonderful example, due to his material advantages, he can give his belongings to others to help them, rather than keeping all his success to himself. Over his lifetime Mr. Gates donated $27 …show more content…

Saint Francis of Assisi, an Italian Roman Catholic friar, stated, "For it is in giving that we receive" (Santi). Ones of religious power and backround know that giving is very important. Winston Churchill, an army officer, British statesman, and writer, who also served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom expressed, "We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give" (Santi). This man of many talents knows that giving is essential for life. Not only ones of religious background and power know the importance of giving. Leo Tolstoy, was a Russian writer who is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time, expressed his view on giving back to humanity by saying, "The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity" (Santi). Experienced ones that have been through hardships have shown the world their wisdom on what they believe is powerful. In these cases, it's providing for others, and serving humanity in any way possible. These examples show that philanthropy is the road to human

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