Importance Of Morality And Morality

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I used to think that religion made people good and that they were so moral because they were always following God commands, especially the bible and the Ten Commandments that basically says what is right and what it is wrong, what to do and what not to do. Even though I have never been a big religious person myself, I saw as something normal the idea that following the commands can make you a good person. But then I realize that I never took the time to think more deeply about the topic. I have some questions and even though I am sure they have already been answered, I am going to try to answer them. Could someone be a person moral with not religion? Knowing the answer of this question whether it is yes, or no, would lead to other questions like: the relationship between religion and ethics? And last but surely not least. Does religion provide a good foundation for making decisions in biomedical ethics? The first day in my ethics class the teacher asked, if someone could be a good person and not believe in God? This got me thinking about how this simple question can be so complicated. And that was the first time that I realize that I had never asked that question to myself. I used to think that being moral was following Gods commandment. But never thought of morality as something more than following them. Then I realize that of course someone can be moral and not believe in God, then this means that religion does not make people moral. Natural morality it is what makes people act the way they do. Being moral can be describe in two simple steps knowing what is right and then doing it. Religious people know what it is right and wrong because of the Bible. Then Plato gives a good example in one of his dialogues, where Socrates ta... ... middle of paper ... ... the gift of like and only him can take it away. Meaning that religion can in fact make good foundations for bioethics. Not meaning that does doctors that do not have any other type of believes than science are bad doctor or non-ethic person that can also perform their job perfectly. Knowing the answer to this three questions only reassures what has already have been told religion does not make ethics, although in some way it gives strength to be morally better. In my opinion religion is something good that can make a person better. I can also see how in some occasions doing the right things as God commands it can go against what some people may like. Especially when you are a Doctor and the life of people is somehow in their hands. Although I do not think that not having any type of religion makes you a bad person. I believe ethics can be done without religion.

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