Syrian Refugee Crisis Essay

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When there is a debate about the economy, it will affect the culture of the everyday lives of indigenous people. In an article in the last few days "Asian couple assaulted for speaking Mandarin in Tempe on light rail, Kalie Rutledge Arrested" by Joe Anea. This is a clear demonstration shows us, the cultural differences between countries led violence. Many people cannot speak the local language while talking can be beaten and discriminated. The annual number of immigrants is increasing most, so the multi-language in the same country is very normal. I have had experience in the multicultural issues. I took the class last season CMST150, this is realistic a useful class. Teachers have foxrmed the idea to help students recognize the diversity of everything in a country. Even we have seen immigrants, do not judge them …show more content…

Because we are born to be understood, accepted, and integrated. Since the current segregation problems ended long time ago. How can we handle refugee and illegal immigration? In the article, “The worst of the Syrian refugee crisis is coming for Europe” by Fabrice Balanche. Immigrants in general may lead to the refugees, said briefly that illegal immigrants. The most recent case is the thousands of immigrants from Syria to Europe. When a country has lost all hope, poor infrastructure, the short-term health insurance, or without a proper education. They are looking for a piece of land to live on, despite all the dangers to life. War took place also caused the situation of immigrants today are complex, when many governments are wondering when can let the refugees, or illegal immigrants into the country they. Many problems arise

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