Imagery In Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven

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Death is tragic and one of the most finite things on Earth. It can turn an average human being insane and change his/her life forever. Losing someone close and dear is incredibly painful and an experience one will not forget. Death can cause numerous emotions to bubble up, like sorrow, and grief. In “The Raven” Poe utilizes imagery, diction, and figurative language along with symbolism to illustrate how isolation can cause madness when one comes to terms with the finite consequences of death. Imagery is one of the many ways Edgar Allen Poe used to convey his message. At the beginning of the poem, the reader can instantly recognize imagery. A man is sitting in his study trying to distract himself from the sadness of a woman who has left him. …show more content…

He is almost sleeping while doing this. This creates a very powerful visual image. It epitomizes how the people left to grieve act. Many people stricken by death want to be left alone and bottle themselves up. The first few lines of the poem illustrate how deeply in sorrow the man is. This image should affect everyone. It should make the reader sympathize or even empathize with the man. Another main way he uses imagery is through the black bird or the raven. The presence of the bird is a bad omen. It is supposed to be followed by maleficent things. The bird is used to symbolize death figuratively and literally. The bird only says one word the entire poem. It repeats “nevermore.” This word can be interpreted multiple ways each time it is said. It is also possible that the bird is not talking. It is possible that the bird is an image created by …show more content…

Poe uses apostrophe, alliteration, personification, repetition, and symbolism. Apostrophe is completely obvious in this poem. The man references Lenore multiple times, who has passed away and is no longer there for him. EXAMPLE. Alliteration is also present when he says "grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt" and "And the silken, sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain..." The raven is the prime example of personification. One does not normally hear a bird, more specifically a raven talk. Throughout the poem the bird talks and repeats “nevermore”, which is a human quality. “Nevermore” is also an example of repetition that Poe uses to drive home his point that Lenore is not coming back. Symbolism the most prevalent device. The raven is a symbol of death and bad omens, related to Lenore 's passing. Another prevalent symbol is Lenore. The man never gives a description about her, but she appears constantly which makes her a symbol. She appears to be a symbol of his sadness and problems because her passing caused them. Night 's Plutonian Shore is a symbolism of death. Pluto is the roman god of the underworld, and night is associated when death occurs. These two combined reference the underworld and every bad connotation death has. The Bust of Pallas, referenced in the paragraph before is a symbol too. It is a symbol that references Lenore but also Athena. The bust represents Athena who is the goddess of wisdom, and when the bird lands

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