How To Eat Healthy And Obesity Essay

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When people think about their favorite food, there is usually multiple foods that will come to their mind. It will be something like pizza, pasta, burgers, or french fries. But, rarely do people say that their favorite food is a fruit or vegetable. Is this because of the relentlessness of the advertising from companies? Or are our eating habits something that we have lost control of? There are many questions that are being asked, and there are very few answers that are being given. Obesity rates in America are at the highest they have ever been, and it is becoming harder to do something about it. More and more children are also becoming obese. It is evident that to end the obesity epidemic in America, we need to do something to restrict the large corporations from targeting children, and start promoting the idea that eating healthy will lead to a better life. Eating junk food is always the easier option. There is no doubt about that, because it is cheap and fast. And most of the time, it is the tastier option as well. My old food tech teacher would constantly remind us that “fat is flavor”. Along with fat, sugar is flavor as well. Let’s be …show more content…

If you are taught at a young age to have an apple a day and to eat your vegetables, those habits will probably stick with you for the rest of your life. And the same with bad eating habits. In the article, What Should We Eat? the author states, “With tantalizing foods readily available, we need to learn how to make wise choices--but that can be easier said than done.” () I agree that making wise choices can be easier said than done. I have had many experiences where I have sought to eat healthy, but junk food looks more appealing. Those experiences have always worked in favor of the latter. And that is what the problem is with most people across America. Many people want to make better choices but it gets to be so difficult to get started on the right

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