How Is The Mature In The Diary Of Anne Frank

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The Diary of Anne Frank depicts Anne as a very immature character in the beginning of the play. How she develops into a more mature character throughout the story is where the complexity lies. Anne Frank forced many emotional strifes, as well as being a fugitive. Which took a huge toll on her relationships with her family. Anne’s stagnant environment and her transitioning from young girl to young woman did not help her. Overall, the obstacles Anne had to face through out her short life increased her already complex nature.

Anne Frank was forced into being a fugitive, into being even more alone than she already felt. In an excerpt from Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, Anne explicitly explains how alone she felt. And, how she used her diary as the “perfect friend.” “Hence, this diary. In order to enhance my mind’s eye the picture of the friend for whome I have waited for so long, I don’t want to set down a series of bold facts in a diary like most people do, but I want this diary itself to by my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.” Anne’s diary was made before she went into hiding when there harsh rules set upon Jews, her new environment only enhanced her loneliness. The rules in her new home were even more strict, they had to watch were they walked, not turn on the water at certain times, and were oblivious to new news unless someone told them. Because of her increased loneliness she drove her family, especially her mom, away and turn to her …show more content…

Also, as her maturity increased she became more open to those around her. Although, it was not easy considering almost all the people around her were callous and immature. Mr. and Mrs. Van Daam, other fugitives who lived with the Frank family, actually stole food from the stock pile they had. This did not help Anne mature at all. All in all, Anne’s character had to deal with many difficulties inside of her new home, also known as

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