How Does Sodium Chloride Affect Swimming

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In short, we can recall that the hypothesis is sodium chloride increases the swimming behavior of the Paramecium tertaurelia. Our |t-calculated|, as shown in Table 2, is less than the t-critical value from the table, therefore our averages for both the experimental group and control group are not significantly different enough, statistically speaking. As a result, our hypothesis is not supported. In this case, we accept the null hypothesis, which states that the sodium chloride has no effect on the swimming speed of the Paramecia tetraurelia and it is thus, supported. According to the results for the t-test, our t-calculated is less than the t-critical; therefore, we are less than 95% confident that the swimming speed increases. These results …show more content…

In other words, increasing the amount of sodium chloride used. This new experiment could allow us to better understand whether or not higher concentrations of sodium chloride would have an effect on the swimming speed of the Paramecium, or will attest to sodium chloride just plainly not causing an increase nor a decrease in the swimming speed at all. This relates to the findings of our initial experiment since while our averages were not significantly different enough to support the hypothesis, our average of each treatment group and the standard deviation of those averages, as shown on the graph, do show a small difference in swimming speed, therefore, by increasing the concentration of sodium chloride while performing more replications of this experiment per group, can create a wider range of data that determines whether or not sodium chloride does indeed increase the swimming speed or has no effect at all. All these next steps can aid in the research of the effect of sodium chloride on the swimming speed of Paramecium

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