How Does Shakespeare Use Blood Motif In Macbeth

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Through the play, Macbeth, William Shakespeare uses various literary elements to emphasise ideas that have a major impact on Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth. Shakespeare uses the recurring motif of blood to emphasise Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s guilt after murdering Duncan. Sleep symbolises innocence and purity hence after Macbeth murdered Duncan this innocence was destroyed. Prophecies made by three weird sisters towards beginning of the play were introduced by Shakespeare to foreshadow the developing ambition of Macbeth and his wife’s greed. Macbeth’s ambition for power began and grew as a result of the witches foreshadowing his future. As Macbeth and Banquo, are depicted travelling after battle they encounter three weird sisters who list …show more content…

Blood was first, and most significally event in the scene where Macbeth kills Duncan, which was chaotic with blood everywhere. After Macbeth leaves Duncan’s body, the idea of guilt is expressed by Macbeth looking at Duncan’s blood, realising what atrocius actions he has undertaken. Leading him to state, “I am afraid to think of what I have done (2,2, 61)” describing Macbeth’s remorse and guilt. After, he recognizes what his actions have caused realises what the outcome will be if he were to be found guilty of murder. Meanwhile, further through the play Lady Macbeth’s guilt for her input in Duncan’s murder is conveyed through the motif of blood. Once ambition took over Lady Macbeth, she chooses to convince her husband to kill King Duncan. However as time passes Lady Macbeth regrets this decision and her invovement in Duncan’s murder. With, the vision of blood constantly staining her hands she is reminded of Duncan’s murder emphasing her guilt. Therefore, in order to remove the feeling of guilt she constantly cleans her hands to remove the blood stains whilst, heard stating “Out, damned spot! Out, I say!” (5,1,30). As a result, of realising that the invisible blood stains can not be removed understands that her consccience can not be cleaned, leading her to insanity and then

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