How Childhood Trauma Reflects Health Across A Lifetime By Pediatrician Nadine Burke Harriss

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In a Ted Talk entitled “How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime,” pediatrician Nadine Burke Harris explains how repeated abuse and neglect can have effects on the brain. Harris has started a clinic with her colleagues, focusing on childhood trauma and its affects. Harris routes her talk with scientific research and evidence, but her information is presented in a way for everyone to understand. To support her claim about childhood trauma, Harris establishes her ethos, by presenting information from herself and her colleagues, and various others, giving her creditability. Harris relies on logos and pathos throughout her talk as well, saying how one’s ACE score directly affects their health. Her pathos is credited here by allowing the audience to have an emotional response and also her logos as strong evidence is being used. To support her claim, Harris establishes her ethos throughout the talk. Harris makes sure we know about her education relating to this talk. She is well educated, including a master’s degree and now a pediatrician with her own practice in San Francisco. Her practice is called California Pacific Medical Center which specializes in children. Harris opened this practice with her …show more content…

She mentions how one’s ACE score directly affects their life. Information via pathos is not in statistics, but rather just words and how it is brought across the audience. Her word choice is strong throughout her talk, giving a question to the audience in the beginning of her talk asking, “How many of you know/knew someone has/had a mental illness when growing up.” This appeal to emotion grabs the audience’s attention as Harris attempts to relate her talk to everyone there. Harris’s logos are directly related to her pathos as her logos backs up her pathos. Without logos, Harris’s pathos would have been nothing as no supportive information would be

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