Darkness and Imagination: A Dual Exploration

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Imagination is arguably the strongest thing that exists in this world. The only problem with that argument is that imagination truly doesn’t exist in a physical form. Imagination is only a fragment of the mind that is unique to an individual. Darkness is different because it is something that is physical and can be mental. It is affiliated with bad things and imagination can have a part in this. Someone’s imagination was the reason that many bad things have happened in this world. This darkness in the imagination can overcome the reason and cause them to do very irrational things. In “The Fall of the House of Usher” and “House Taken Over” there is darkness that takes over the character’s minds and makes the characters do drastic things. The …show more content…

Darkness is an open door for imagination which can lead to irrational decisions and actions being made. In Cortazar’s “House Taken Over,” the characters hear noises and night and their imagination causes them to be afraid to the point that they abandon that part of their house all together. “We’ll have to live on this side.” (12, HTO) This is the after effect of “it” taking over part of the house in “House Taken Over”. There is darkness in “it” because there is no description of the thing that is taking over the house. The thing that is taking over could be a dark part of the mind. One could say that the reader is ‘left in the dark’ because there is no description of the thing that is taking over the house. Darkness is also used in “The Fall of the House of Usher” when Madeline comes back from the dead and comes to attempt to reproduce with Usher. Instead Madeline kills both of them by scaring her brother to death. “Fell heavily inward upon the person of her brother” (47, FHU). The darkness in this quote is the darkness of the house that is affecting Madeline and made Usher put Madeline into the tomb. The imagination of the narrator in “House Taken Over” and Usher in “The Fall of the House of Usher” are generated from darkness and lead imagination to override their rational

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