Guiding Children's Behavior: Why I Chose This Field

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Philosophy Paper
1.) Why have you chosen to be in this field?
The first 5 years are pivotal in a child’s life. What a child learns during this fundamental period will forever mold and shape them. It is a tremendous benefit that they have exposure to an excellent teaching staff. It would be desirable that all children could avail this resource. However, though that is idealistic, I hope my entry into the field improves the lives of the children I serve. It is my aim to meet this standard of excellence in guiding children to learn developmentally appropriate skills which will help them achieve a successful academic future.
I am aware that I will be setting the tone for their future as a student. This is their first exposure to school. Drilling children with a curriculum that is not suitable for their age and stage will create many adverse effects. For example, children who are pressured to sit down and learn to read in preschool will likely hate attending and not want to go. Their self esteem may suffer and they will lose a potential love for learning. Sadly, these children are exposed to an unnecessary stress and may resort to feelings of failure if they don’t meet the expectations of the adults. One thing a child will need to succeed in life and academics is self confidence—a quality I will do my utmost to instill in each child.
I love children. I enjoy talking, playing, guiding, and caring for them. I don’t want to stifle their promise for doing well in school and life by forcing developmental growth on them. Rather, I want children to learn by doing what they love—play. I want to facilitate their learning in ways that will both pleasurable and appropriate to their level. I want to be someone they will trust, respect and enjoy....

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...arn appropriate behavior by observing teachers accomplishing a task while demonstrating the self-regulation needed to complete it. However, it is essential that the teachers remain consistent. They can also model socially correct responses by being active participants in conversations with their children and facilitating/mediating peer-to-peer support during times of conflict. For instance, the teachers will employ strategies to help the children come up with solutions to their own conflicts by asking questions. A good educator will allow the children freedom to test and try their solutions seek a different solution if the first attempt was not successful. This is often very effective at teaching children problem solving skills and also curbing the surge of emotion from their problem. Instead, the child will redirect their feelings and time towards fixing the issue.

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