Group Facilicator Strengths And Weaknesses

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Out of the seventeen group facilitation skills, the first strength that I possess as a group facilitator is operating with cultural awareness and sensitivity. The second one is seeking feedback from the group. The third strength out of the seventeen in total would be demonstrating sensitivity to member’s perspective on change. The fourth strength would be showing positive regard for the expression of feelings and thoughts. My fifth and final strength would be remaining comfortable with ambivalence and ambiguity. Operating with cultural awareness and sensitivity is one’s ability to appreciate and convey their respect for various member’s differences (Greif & Knight, 2016, p. 38). The differences range from one’s race to their sexual orientation. My background and where I was raised plays a major role in why operating with cultural awareness and sensitivity is a major strength of mine. Being an African woman has shaped my worldview of things because I had not automatically taken the American viewpoint of life. My parents instilled our culture’s customs, …show more content…

Not only is it difficult at times to maneuver though the different personalities, it can be hard to get certain group members to mesh together. An instance would be finding a happy balance between two people that have alpha personalities where they want to be in control. Another thing that I do not like about group work is how sometimes attendance can be inconsistent. Attendance that is inconsistent poses as an issue because it hinders everyone moving forward together in the same pace. An small example of this is when people come to the group late and have to get caught up on what was discussed. One last thing that I do not like about group work is when there are group members that do not want to participate. It makes things difficult because I find that they can slow the group’s progression down a

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