Girl Interrupted Psychology Analysis

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A girl interrupted was a movie made in the 1990's based off of a group of girls who battled their neurological issues in very different ways, but also altogether. Susanna was a seventeen year old girl who had troubles with delusions and depression. She attempted suicide by downing a bottle of Aspirin and a bottle of Vodka. She was recommended to an Asylum and checks herself into Claymoore hospital, even though she denies any attempts of suicide, but that she was just trying to get rid of her headaches. Susana quickly befriends many fellow patients, including Lisa, who convinces her to reside from the assigned daily medications to potentially better Susana's potential disorder. The entire asylum floor is woken up by Polly's blood piercing screams caused from a mental disorder, and she is forcefully moved into solitary confinement. …show more content…

One night, Susana is abruptly awaken by Lisa, who has escaped. She convinces Susana to run away from the hospital based off the convincing that both Susana is not crazy, and that Lisa was being treated inhumanly. Inviting themselves into a recently released Daisy, who still suffers from Depression and OCD. While there over night, Lisa verbally assaults Daisy to the point of suicide. Upon finding Daisy had hung her self over night, Susana calls the ambulance while Lisa flees the scene unfazed. Susana returns to the hospital and responds to treatments of depression and personality disorder. Soon after Lisa is captured and brought back to the hospital, she sneaks down to the doctor's office to read a diary to the other patients written by Susana over her recently successful progress in treatment. It sparks a major verbal argument between the patients which soon leads to Lisa having a major mental breakdown and her once proudly sociopathic disorder had spiraled out of control leading her to stab herself, although soon resisted when the staff finds them in the

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