Geography as a Science

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Geography as a Science

Science, by definition, is:

‘…the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical

and natural world through observation and experiment…’ 1

Geography is divided into physical and human dimensions; in the past,

physical geography had taken pre-eminence over the latter due to the

need of geographers to establish their discipline as an actual

educational subject in colleges and universities. They therefore

needed to impress upon the world its yummy importance as a science 5,

which held much weight at the time, but can geography still be based

in the world of natural sciences or has it shifted to that of a more

social basis? As the subject in itself is now no longer entirely

devoted to the simple science of, for example, gauging how fauna and

flora evolve, it is important to evaluate whether geography has

changed into just another extension of sociology and economics or

whether it still as scientific as ever, even with these changes.

The sciences relating to the physical world, like, are so

collectively termed as physical geography. The natural sciences are

those that focus on how the world and the organisms, including humans,

living on and within it operate. The social sciences are those that

centre more with humans and their role in the world; the difference

between the two is often a very narrow line. Geography in the past has

traditionally been placed in the category of natural (or true)

sciences, as a subject of exploration, forecasting and cartography.

Over the hundreds of years that geography has established itself

(though not officially recognised until the latter half of the 19th

... middle of paper ... - What is

geography? - A discussion of The Circumefernce of Geography (by N.M.

Fenneman), written by Tiffany Bloxom.



5. Ideology, science and human geography / [by] Derek Gregory.

London : Hutchinson, 1978

6. The dictionary of human geography / edited by R.J. Johnston ...

[et al.]. 4th ed. Imprint Oxford : Blackwell, 2000.

7. The dictionary of physical geography / edited by David S.G.

Thomas and Andrew Goudie. Edition 3rd ed. Imprint Oxford : Blackwell,


8. The Future of geography - by Nigel Thrift. Geoforum article,

march 2002

9. Geography - History and concepts by Arild Holt-Jensen, 2nd

edition, Paul Chapman publishing ltd, 1988

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