Gender Identity Reflection Paper

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Gender identity is whether one feels as though they are a male or female. I never really thought about this much until I started taking classes that talked about gender identity. According to society, I am considered a female because my anatomical make up. However, I have never completely assumed the normal gender role or gender role stereotypes. As a child and teen, I loved to climb trees, lift weights, and play football. I did not enjoy playing with dolls, playing dress up or having tea parties, therefore, I did not do those things. I also was not sensitive like other females. As an adult, I do frequently adhere the gender role or stereotypes. Although, I still enjoy doing many male things like fishing, hiking, and camping but I also cook, …show more content…

Since this is how my husband was raised he has more of a traditional idea of marriage. He adheres to the gender role stereotypes of men and had the expectations of me that he quickly learned were not part of my make-up so to speak. This has led to conflict between us, but for the most part he understands I am who I am and he can accept me or not. Sexual Identity I am a heterosexual female. I have had many bisexual and homosexual friends. I, at one time experimented with bisexuality, however, I do not feel that homosexuality or bisexuality is for me. Marrying a female, I believe, would leave me yearning for more. I have needs that a female cannot fulfill including sexual satisfaction. I do not think I have ever met any transgendered individuals. I never understood transgender. As I stated earlier, I have never really been like typical girls. I like to wear men’s shirts and jeans. I also enjoy doing things that males do, however, I still consider myself a female. This is the very reason it does not make sense to me. However, I may understand it better if I were a male and acted and dressed like a female. I have seen many …show more content…

There can be many reasons for the issues. It can be a disease such as diabetes, substance abuse, medication, or even a psychological issue that causes the sexual dysfunction. I have had and experience with a man who had erectile dysfunction. (Impotency) Not only was his caused from diabetes, but also the fear of not being able to perform contributed to the issue. Women experience sexual dysfunction as well. Menopause can contribute to sexual dysfunction in women. Many women have to use lubrications because their body does not produce adequate lubrication for intercourse. The book states that people with spinal cord injuries can have sex lives. I was actually surprised by this. I could not imagine desiring to be sexually active if I were in a wheelchair. I think I would feel useless if that were the case and would have little desire to do much of anything. However, I have never been faced with that so I am unsure as to how I would

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