Friar Lawrence Quotes

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Friar Laurence, a father figure to many citizens and one of the holiest and most admired men in Verona. He held many responsibilities in the city and enforced several of the laws. Well, that is what everybody thought. Friar Laurence is now being held for trial for committing multiple felonies and breaking the law in his very own city of Verona. He not only conspired against the Capulet and Montague families but ultimately played an important role in the suicide of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Laurence was once looked up to by both Romeo and Juliet, constantly telling them to act with more caution and restraint. In spite of this, he doesn't wait long to marry off these lovebirds. It has broken many hearts of the citizens in Verona and left many others At one point, Friar Laurence admitted to agreeing to marry the couple, knowing Romeo only loves Juliet due to her appearance. "Is Rosaline, whom thou didst love so dear, so soon forsaken? Young men's love then lies. Not truly in their hearts but in their eyes. But come, young waverer, come, go with me, In one respect I'll thy assistant be," Friar Laurence said, giving proof that he knew that Romeo only liked her for her looks. He also admits to marrying Romeo and Juliet for his motives to form peace between the two rival families. "For this alliance may so happy prove, to turn your households' rancor to pure love," he Failing to uphold his end of the plan, causing the plan to fail and resulting with both Romeo and Juliet dying. Friar Laurence admits to being responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Lawrence made a huge mistake that he could have avoided himself, if only he had thought out his plan better. He trusted Juliet an unstable fourteen-year-old with a potion to make her appear dead just so she would not have to marry Paris. Resulting in the death of herself, Friar Lawrence had even said, "If…thou hast the strength of will to slay thyself…take thou this vial…no warmth, no breath shall testify the livest." He should have been more careful, Friar Laurence's idea for Juliet was very risky and because of his own ignorance has ended up in tragedy. He also admits that he left the tomb and left Juliet there. The Friar knew that Juliet had previously threatened to kill herself, yet he still abandoned her with Romeo's knife. If the Friar truly cared about her safety, he would have forced her to come with him or stayed to prevent her from making any irresponsible

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