Feminist Approach

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The Feminist Approach to Salary Sexism and Ideas for Closure Every day in this country adult women wake up and start their daily routines much the same as men do, with the exception of possibly more personal care preparation in the beginning of their workday. Women go to the same places of employment, do the same jobs and perform at the same level as their male counterparts, but a salary gap has existed within the workforce of this nation that has created a social problem. A social problem that is clearly unjust and gender bias, and one that is no longer being ignored by the onset of the feminist movement. In examining the scope of this social problem, the sociological theory that drives its development and possible solutions …show more content…

Women have never been paid on the equal scale as men in this society and it reaches a broad spectrum of career fields and employment areas. From the medical fields to business and even Hollywood. Salary sexism has no boundaries when males are at the helm of leadership. For example, according to the Guardian (2014), an email was leaked from a president of business affairs who managed the financing of the major Sony Entertainment movie – American Hustle. The email contained information showing female lead star Jennifer Lawrence receiving 7% profit from the movie and fellow male co-star receiving 9%, both had comparable leading roles. This was an embarrassing and somewhat surprising discovery as Hollywood and the liberal arts is thought to be at the forefront of progressive thought and tolerance. Although, it is not the actors who are to blame for this pay inequality, but the corporation behind the …show more content…

For too long, the woman’s role has been to stand behind the man, in a supportive character. Today, feminist theory drives the feminist movement in this society, focusing largely on social activism. Feminist activism targets key areas of importance to women today, namely violence against women, community awareness and getting young girls involved in the movement, both youth and college level females. This is a classic strategy of community organizing as the youth brings energy to the floor and are able to mobilize in person much more effectively for instances of elections and demonstrations. Branding the youth also insures that the feminist movement continues for generations to come, as in terms of the salary gap, the movement has still a long climb to go before realizing the goal of pay equality. An example of feminism working through the youth was last year at an event in New York City. According to Feminst.com (2014), “The goal of the day was to introduce allies, to think through tough issues and to showcase good work. Mostly it was meant to push our thinking toward a place of solutions…” (n.d.). This youth workshop brought together scholars, business and youth females to discuss social issues through the eyes of feminist theory and perspective. For the social problem of salary sexism to be alleviated, more of these events nationwide must be held and encouraged and the feminist

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