Explain My Social Health Is The Strongest Area Of Wellness

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My social health is my strongest area of wellness for several reasons like i have close friends that i can talk to and trust but i could work on talking to my close friends about stuff more often. Furthermore, being able to talk to my friends about my problems will make my emotional health much better because i will have friends to have my back and rant or talk to. Another example can be found in that i can tell my friends no if they are trying to tell my to do harmful things like help them bully a kid etc. In addition, people are able to trust me and tell me about what is going on in their life and about they're problems because i am a good friend and i wouldn't make them tell me anything if they were to uncomfortable to talk about it. On a final note i am strong enough to stay out of trouble on …show more content…

In my opinion this is one of the wellness act that i should work because i should feel better about talking to my friends and i also have a good family that loves and supports me i also accept my self for who i am but i could also work on expressing my feelings clearly and calmly to my friends and family. I feel best about being able to talk to my family because they support me and love me for who i am and they dont judge me. Some stuff i can work on is expressing my feelings clearly and calmly because if i cant tell anyone anything i cant be emotionally sound. One example of my strength is i can accept helpful criticism because if you cant accept it you will be always think you are doing something wrong and someone is yelling at you how i overcame so i knew it was helpful criticism is because of sports. Finally, i feel that emotional health

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