Examples Of Who Was Responsible For Macbeth's Downfall

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Macbeth, Shakespeare’s revealing play about the darkness that lies within human nature, depicts the rise to power and subsequent downfall of its eponymous protagonist. Shakespeare illustrates that demise of Macbeth is at the mercy of many forces that come from within him and externally. Due to many of Macbeth’s terrible flaws, conflicting thoughts and “vaulting ambition” he becomes and easy target for three deceitful witches and for his wife Lady Macbeth to manipulate him and influence the choices he makes that lead him to his downfall, making Macbeth predominantly responsible. Macbeth holds a number of qualities, some of these qualities mark him as a valiant and courageous solider but unfortunately others lead him to being primarily responsible …show more content…

By them getting Macbeth who coincidentally at the point of the first prophecies was being rewarded by the King for his loyalty and courage in protecting the Scottish realm, they manage to manipulate and deceive him into what is “fair is foul” which gives him blood-thirsty and evil thoughts to become king, by simply telling him, the Thane of Glamis that he will become the Thane of Cawdor then he “[shall] be the king hereafter”. Also very manipulative, deceitful and ambitious herself, Lady Macbeths makes a triple threat into influencing her husband Macbeth’s amoral thoughts and actions. With Macbeth being known as a courageous man within the kingdom, Lady Macbeth thinks opposite as she believes he is “too full o' the milk of human kindness" especially when it comes to him murdering to become king and she effectively uses this against him to manipulate him when he informs her of his conflicting thoughts and leans towards not killing Duncan. An ambitious Lady Macbeth instantly questions his love for her, his manhood and asks him if he “will live a coward in thine own esteem” always saying that he can’t after saying he will, Macbeth who willingly tries to keep peace, prays for her to stop which results in Lady Macbeth finally questioning his faithfulness to her and saying that she would rather rip her nursing baby for her nipple and

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