Examples Of Totalitarianism In The Hunger Games

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Power, as defined by Dictionary.com, is “the possession of control or command over others; authority; ascendancy”, whereas powerless means “lacking power to act; helpless". These two words are of vital importance in virtually all works of dystopian fiction, and The Hunger Games is no exception. While dystopian futures in fiction tend to have societies where all are powerless in different ways, the world of Panem has many clear distinctions between the powerful Capitol and the powerless Districts. For example, take the many differences in lifestyle that are seen throughout the film: Capitol-dwellers have luxurious clothing, the latest in technology, and food is available in excess (an entire roast pig is prepared by accident), while the residents …show more content…

Not only is the state totalitarian in terms of power, but in terms of violence and even reality. An impressive post-apocalyptic country, the Capitol takes twenty-four children from its twelve Districts, each year, and sets them to work killing each other in the titular Hunger Games. Viewing is mandatory for all District residents, as the Games are their punishment for a revolution that took place many years ago. It is clear from the very beginning of the story that the people are completely powerless and trod-upon, making it seem quite strange that they haven’t revolted from their oppressive government. That is, strange until the total superiority of the Capitol’s technology is first seen, and it becomes clear that any conventional uprising would be quickly quashed by the comparatively exotic weaponry that the protectors of the ruling class would presumably …show more content…

Things like the forest fire, the fireballs flung at Katniss, and the mutant animals at the end all show the power that the Gamemakers have over the reality of the arena. Even though the Games are located in a simulated and controlled environment, all of the damage and death that they cause is real. Additionally, the audience members hailing from the wealthy Capitol can become Sponsors, which allows them to send supplies to their chosen Tributes, blurring the lines between the Games and reality by letting them participate in the storyline of the events. But of course, these flashy displays aren’t the only kind of power that people have a tendency to

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