Essay On Titanic Movie Review

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Film Review The creation of how we view films and movies today has definitely evolved from the first encounters. One of my favorite films of all time is the movie Titanic by James Cameron. I am a big fan of romantic movies, and have plenty of knowledge in the tragic history of the Titanic. The Titanic, as we all may already know, was a very sad moment in history. The movie did a great job with the reenactment of that moment. It featured the heart-touching story of the Titanic with Dawson who was played by Leonardo DiCaprio and Rose, Kate Winslet, were the main actors of this outstanding movie, according to the internet movie database. (“Titanic”)
Titanic is a 1997 film that recounts the sentimental and disastrous story of two youngsters who meet on a ship and begin to fall in love with each other. Jack Dawson and Rose Bukater, while boarding the RMS Titanic ship on its first launch, fall hopelessly enamored at first sight, …show more content…

On the surface however, it seems like two completely different movies that have been stitched together. It is just one of those film epics that is very hard to take your eyes off of. The best way to conclude this review is to mention the director. James Cameron is well known for directing “The Terminator” and “The Abyss” (“Titanic”). Cameron brings a similar movie magic into the film Titanic but adds an equal touch of romance in it. This was definitely something I would have never expected to come out of this director. The result of all this preparation is a film that he could truly be proud of and that plenty of fans could enjoy over and over, time and time again. It really touches the viewer and has plenty of deeper meanings that the audience needs to be vigilant about since it is not on the surface. There is no other feeling, especially the feeling of young love, compares to those presented in this

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