Essay On The Role Of Family In Romeo And Juliet

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Role of Family Blood does not always classify a family, it can be defined by the strong bonds, and mutual trust shared between members. Family takes many forms as displayed throughout the shakespearean play Romeo and Juliet. This play recounts the story of two star-crossed lovers: Romeo and Juliet and the resistance they face as they struggle to be together. The famous drama depicts the many ways a family can be structured and the positive influences these family dynamics have on the main characters. A biological family is not chosen, there is no way to control who one is related to, consequently family members may not always understand each other but there is an underlying bond tying members together, as Juliet experiences with her biological …show more content…

transition Juliet and Lady Capulet have a strained relationship, nevertheless, Lady Capulet attempts to spend time with her daughter. After discovering a possible engagement with the kinsman Paris, Lady Capulet questions Juliet's willingness to marry Paris, “I’ll look to like, if looking liking move. / But no more deep will I endart mine eye / Than your consent gives strength to make it fly” (1.3.97-99). Lady Capulet shows her effort in recognising Juliet’s feelings and attempting to further understand her, Lady Capulet would like a relationship with her daughter but does not know how to repair the broken bond. Transition Regardless of the tense family relations, the Capulets show great sorrow when they believe Juliet to be dead. After discovering Juliet’s sleeping body, the nurse calls the Capulets to witness the tragic sight, “Accurs’d, unhappy, wretched, hateful day! / Most miserable hour, that e’er time saw / In lasting labour of his pilgrimage” (4.5.43-45)! Following this grief comes guilt, both Capulet and Lady Capulet blame themselves their daughter’s death, they feel they had put too much strain on Juliet, these reactions reveals the love the Capulets have for their daughter. Biological families may have difficulties empathising with one another, however, Shakespeare shows proof of the fundamental bond shared between families such as the

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