Essay On Savannah Cats

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In many cases Savannah cats are known for being cute, furry and cuddlable but we need to respect them in their natural behavior tendencies to provide them a suitable stimulating environment. By doing so we have to encourage environmental enrichment for the physical and mental health for these Savannah’s. Having a proper environment increases these species brain activity, well-being, senses, stimuli, and relieves them from boredom. These cats tends to get physical, physiologic, and behavioral disorders for stress and lack of stimulation. It can cause these species to do urine marking, house soiling, owner directed aggression, behavioral over grooming, displacement activities and reduce comfort behavior. For Savannah cats are a cross between …show more content…

If this species were given enrichment, they will live longer and have a healthy life. Another method to enrich these cats is give them the place to hide out. They love to hide, play and explore. It’s part of their predatory when hunting, stalking, killing, and consuming the prey. Design activities that provides that stimuli such as high shelves. They love to jump high. They are very active creatures. Give them items to mark their territory like small pieces of tree trunk or branches to set the environment for the Savannah’s. These environmental enrichment may reduce the severity of bad behavior. Savannah cats love sunny areas, if apply a sun room for them is very good with added bird and squirrel feeder that is set up to let the cat watch. Doing so does not cause arousal and frustration. Giving this species have time roaming outside will give them the ability to discover and explore as a cat. It won’t make them bored at all. They have more of the wild features than a house cat. Providing another pet when they are a kitten can give them social interaction can help with the stimuli, also with people’s

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