Essay On Mastiff

808 Words2 Pages

The Tibetan Mastiff is a large, impressive, powerful, robust dog, which has always been appreciated by breeders due to its good health and longevity. Tibetan Mastiff has an average lifespan of 16 years, but may also exceed this age. Hard to believe, this dog almost never gets sick. Most of the large dog breeds suffer from hip dysplasia, but in Tibetan Mastiffs this disease is extremely rare, still we coulndn’t say that the dog makes an exception from it. The fact is that there are very few reported cases of Mastiff dogs that suffer from this condition.

Those who want a dog that is distinguished by an extraordinary charm must choose a Tibetan Mastiff.

This dog is amazing and is very well suited as a guard animal in a home that has a large fenced yard. Although it seems like a fierce quadruped, it doesn’t manifest aggression, but is suspicious of strangers. The dog analyzes and tracks every movement and if it feels something is wrong, it will happily warn its owner. If chosen as a guard dog and left alone in its territory, it becomes a serious guard, oversees everything around it and will not let strangers get close. Mastiff is a …show more content…

This dog is not known to be dangerous toward children, it is playful with them and it has the capacity to understand the quarrels of children that occur during a game. In general Tibetan Mastiffs are a calm, quiet and reserved type of breed, it loves his owner and its family and feels very happy when it is in their company. This quadruped must not be underestimated, because it has a great intuition, it is intelligent and very alert to any change in the behavioral attitude of a man. When it doesn’t like something it begins to puff and pant in order to make its displeasure clearly. When challenged or attacked, it starts barking loud and it manifests a rather disapprovingly unhappy

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