Essay On Creativity

778 Words2 Pages

Creativity Crisis
Since we are born we have imagination and as we grow up this imagination may increase or decrease. Creativity strongly relies in our imagination. Depending on different circumstances people learn to express their creativity openly while other people close themselves and believe they do not have creativity. Creativity is a natural talent that every single human has. Creativity can be used to solve a complex problem in a different manner or just to find innovative ways to have fun. Creativity is thinking out of the box. Even though creativity cannot be taught from scratch there should be a class that is specific for creativity. People around the globe are suffering because they cannot find creative solutions to solve the problems …show more content…

Creativity is a way of living. Creativity makes life seem more interesting and brilliant. Since we are kids we find new ways to deal with everyday life. We find different innovative forms to deal with everyday obstacles. Creativity lets us see the things that we thought did not make sense or were not there. Creativity happens in everyday life and it can be expressed and seen in different forms such as inventions like the smartphone, cars, and modern buildings or more artistic inventions like paintings, music, and TV shows. We see creativity everywhere and from anyone adults, teenagers and even …show more content…

They argue that this will be costly and a waste of time. These people say that making a new class will cost a lot of money because of new materials for the class and the need to hire new teachers. They argue that students have to many classes that are more important to their lives than a class on creativity. However, even if costly a class on creativity would not be a waste of time. A creativity class has many advantages on our lives in school and outside the school. A creativity class can help us at school in classes like English, where you must be creative to write essays. Saying that a creative class is a waste of time, which many people know it is the

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