Essay On African Americans In The Civil War

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African Americans have had a long history of suffering from discrimination in the United States. Although most people are probably aware of this issue, even in today's news, they don't exactly know how they were being discriminated. Some people believe that African American soldiers lacked involvement in the civil war. However, they faced huge losses in battles, were discriminated against, and their extended families were also at a loss while they were away at battle, therefore African Americans greatly impacted the civil war outcome for the union. African Americans made huge sacrifices when it came to fighting. Initially they were not even allowed to fight for their own cause. They still kept their heads up while fighting in very poor conditions. They kept their heads up, even though they suffered casualties around 35-50% greater than those of the white soldiers. ( Moore and 3-5). Frederick Douglas, a very important African American leader in history, believed that the participation of African Americans in the civil war would have a major impact on how the war would end and on the African Americans finally receiving their citizenship. “The slaughter was awful. Words cannot describe the scene. The poor deluded negroes would run up to our men, …show more content…

They marched in every campaign between 1864 to 1865, but Frederick Douglas had to convince president Lincoln because it wasn’t allowed for the first 18 months (Moore and Neal 3-5). In some cases during the war casualty rates were very high, such as in the Battle of Fort Pillow, Tennessee, in 1864, where only 62 of 292 Black Union troops survived (Moore and Neal 4). Despite this terrible loss of life Bush Banks describes how these brave African American troops carried out their duties faithfully: Foremost in the ranks of warriors, our black heroes took their place. With the lines of fearless courage. Stamped upon each dusky face.” ( Moore and Neal

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